MOACIR Claudino Pinto | 1956-1963 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
MOACIR PES STATS | 1956-1963
blanka797 Name: Moacir Claudino Pinto MOACIR Claudino Pinto | 1956-1963 Club: Flamengo, River Plate (Argentina), Peñarol (Uruguay) Number: Position: AMF, CMF, SMF Nationality: Brazilian Age : 22 (World Cup 1958) Foot: R Side: B Length: 176 Weight:70 Attack: 84 Defence:50 Balance:78 Stamina:85 Top Speed:86 Acceleration:87 Response: 85 Agility: 87 Dribble Accuracy: 88 Dribble Speed: 87 Short Pass Accuracy:88 Short Pass Speed: 87 Long Pass Accuracy: 85 Long Pass Speed: 83 Shot Accuracy: 84 Shot Power: 85 Shot Technique: 83 Free Kick Accuracy: 52 Curling:58 Header: 82 Jump: 70 Technique: 88 Aggression: 86 Mentality: 68 Keeper Skills: 50 Team Work: 83 Injury Tolerance: B Condition/Fitness: 6 Weak Foot Accuracy: 5 Weak Foot frequency: 5 Consistency: 6 *Positioning *Reaction *Passing *Middle Shooting *Outside Quote: Nascido em 18 de maio de 1936, na cidade de São Paulo, o meia-armador Moacir Claudino Pinto, o Moacir, destacou-se no Flamengo. Lá ele teve a responsabilidade de substituir “Doutor Rúbis”, ídolo rubro-negro da década de 1950. Com a camisa do Flamengo, disputou 233 partidas (133 vitórias, 44 empates e 46 derrotas) e marcou 57 gols. Nos cinco anos que atuou pelo time da Gávea, de 1956 a 1961, Moacir não conquistou nenhum título. Aliás, o único título que o jogador conseguiu na carreira foi da Copa do Mundo de 1958, pela seleção. Naquela copa Moacir, que vestia a camisa 13, foi reserva de Didi e não jogou uma partida sequer. Quase que ele nem foi à Suécia, já que poderia ter perdido a vaga para Zizinho. Moacir atuou sete vezes com a camisa canarinho, marcando dois gols. Born May 18, 1936, in São Paulo, the half-owner Moacir Claudino Pinto, Moacir, stood out in Flemish. There he had the responsibility to replace ''Doctor Rubies,'' red-black idol of the 1950s. With the shirt of Flamengo, disputed 233 matches (133 wins, 44 draws and 46 losses) and scored 57 goals. In the five years that he served time at the Gávea, from 1956 to 1961, Moacir not won any title. Indeed, the only way that the player has in his career was the World Cup of 1958, for selection. That crown Moacir to wear the shirt 13, was reserve for Didi but he didn't play any match. He was almost not going to Sweden, since he could lost the Canary seat to Zizinho. Moacir served seven times with the shirt of Canary played in four of them, marking two goals. Titles: Roca Cup: 1957 FIFA World Cup: 1958 Atlantic Cup: 1960 Tournament Rio - São Paulo: 1961 Uruguayan League: 1962 Equatorian League:1966 MOACIR Claudino Pinto | 1956-1963 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
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