HILÁRIO Conceição | 1965-1966 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
electric_trigger Stats by Classical HILÁRIO Conceição | 1965-1966 Club: Sporting Clube Portugal Number: 3 Position: SB*, WB, Nationality: Portuguese Date of Birth: 19/03/1939 Age: 27 Foot: R Side: L Length: 177 cm Weight: 73 kg Attack: 78 Defence: 75 Balance: 77 Stamina: 93 Top Speed: 94 Acceleration: 91 Response: 80 Agility: 82 Dribble Accuracy: 79 Dribble Speed: 84 Short Pass Accuracy: 75 Short Pass Speed: 74 Long Pass Acc.: 76 Long Pass Speed: 74 Shot Accuracy: 68 Shot Power: 86 Shot Technique: 69 Free Kick Accuracy: 55 Curling: 59 Header: 78 Jump: 89 Technique: 78 Aggression: 81 Mentality: 84 Keeper Skills: 50 Team Work: 83 Injury Tolerance: B Condition/Fitness: 8 Weak Foot Accuracy: 5 Weak Foot frequency: 5 Special *Side *Covering Hilário was born in a poor neighboorhood on the outskirts of Lourenço Marques and only at the age of 10 he entered school, his dream was to find a job. By that time, he already pointed out from the others younglings from his area, where naked foot he exibited his natural skills as well a astonishing velocity and strong kick. He was 13 when, joining other boys, bought a true ball and create a club which they named FC Arsenal. It was on that club that a scout from Atlético de Lourenço Marques sppoted him, making him sign right away. Nevertheless, he had to overcome a major issue that was to adapt to practise sport with actual boots, so he played basketball for about a year (where the shoes were softer than the football ones) to adapt his feet to the feeling of having something beneath them apart from the ground. In 1955 he made his debut for Atlético youth team and one year later he transfered to Sporting Clube de Portugal (SCP) in exchange for a job on Companhia das Águas (something like The Water Department...), but soon everyone realized that he was fated to reach higher grounds. The 3rd August of 1958 saw Hilário arriving at Lisbon and it didn't take much time to gain his place on the first eleven of the team as a left side back, highlighting his natural skills, which after refined training, helped him become one of the world finest players and the best ever left side back of portuguese football. He then became an emblematic figure of SCP, where he played for 15 seasons, reaching 471 games in the National Championship and over 600 games with SCP shirt. He won 3 National Championships, 3 Portuguese Cups and the extinct Cup Winners Cup in 1964, where he missed the final due to an injury suffered only 3 days before, which he considers the worst time of his career. From the Hospital he sent a telegram to his companions where he simply said ''Fight 'till the end. You are all in my heart.'' They fought, they won and as soon as they arrived at the airport they ran to his house to share the cup with him, which he also helped to win. He kissed it and then cried. At that time, Hilário was already a solid member of the Portuguese National Squad 1st eleven, and by representing it for 39 occassions he was the SCP player with more int caps during the 20th century (in a time where there were no international friendlys to account for that counting). With the Portuguese NT, he was part of the famous team of the ''Magriços'' which reached 3rd place at England 66, being considered the best left back of the tournament and the most regular plater of the squad. As a player, Hilário was reckoned mainly by his immense fitness. It was common to see him support the attack with crazy runs (like R. Carlos) and then going back to recover a position, sometimes back running. He knew how to dribble, specially while running at high speed and had a good jump which made him fear not taller opponents while on the air. HILARIO Conceicao | 1965-1966 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
This blog is dedicated to reviving posts from the "golden era" of PES Stats Database (2008-2010). This was possible thanks to Wayback Machine and my hard work.
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