Helmut HALLER | 1965-1973 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
HALLER PES STATS | 1965-1973
electric_trigger Club: Bologna/Juventus Number: 8 Position: AM, SS, WF, SM Nationality: German Era/Age: 1965-1973 Age: 26-33 Helmut HALLER | 1965-1973 Foot: R Side: R Length: 177 Weight: 78 Attack: 84 Defence: 45 Balance: 84 Stamina: 84 Top Speed: 84 Acceleration: 86 Response: 86 Agility: 85 Dribble Accuracy: 88 Dribble Speed: 85 Short Pass Accuracy: 90 Short Pass Speed: 85 Long Pass Acc: 90 Long Pass Speed: 83 Shot Accuracy: 80 Shot Power: 85 Shot Technique: 84 Free Kick Accuracy: 85 Curling: 84 Header: 76 Jump: 78 Technique: 88 Aggression: 86 Mentality: 85 Goalkeeping Skills: 50 Team Work: 90 Injury Tolerance: B Condition/Fitness: 6 Weak Foot Accuracy: 6 Weak Foot frequency: 6 Special *Dribbling *Playmaking *Passing *Positioning Haller (born 21 July 1939 in Augsburg, Germany) made his international debut at age 19 in 1958, he played at the 1962 FIFA World Cup in Chile, the 1966 FIFA World Cup in England and the 1970 FIFA World Cup in Mexico, earning a total of 33 caps and scoring 13 goals. Haller was a playmaker and forward and perhaps the only post 1963 international that never played in the Bundesliga. His crowning effort was the 1966 World Cup, with 6 goals in 5 games. After winning back-to-back titles with Juve in 1972 and 1973, he returned to Germany to play out his career with several weak clubs. West Germany reached the final of the 1966 competition and Haller scored the opening goal of the game which Germany lost 2–4 to England. Along with his second place medal, Haller also got the match ball, though more than 30 years later he returned to England to present it to Geoff Hurst, who had scored a hat-trick in the contest and was therefore by tradition considered to be entitled to the ball. In his club career, Haller played for Augsburg (1948–1962), before moving to Italy to join Bologna F.C. (1962–1968) and then Juventus (1968–1973). In 1973, he returned to his hometown club and retired in 1979. Statistics Goals Bologna 180 48 goals Juventus 116 21 goals 002 0(0) Helmut HALLER | 1965-1973 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
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