Gerry DALY | 1974-1977 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
DALY PES STATS | 1974-1977
electric_trigger Club: Manchester United Number: 4 Position: CM, AM Nationality: Irish Era/Age: 1973-1977, aged 20-24 Gerry DALY | 1974-1977 Foot: R Side: B Length: 179 Weight: ? Attack: 73 Defence: 72 Balance: 78 Stamina: 85 Top Speed: 79 Acceleration: 79 Response: 82 Agility: 78 Dribble Accuracy: 82 Dribble Speed: 80 Short Pass Accuracy: 85 Short Pass Speed: 84 Long Pass Acc.: 85 Long Pass Speed: 82 Shot Accuracy: 75 Shot Power: 86 Shot Technique: 75 Free Kick Accuracy: 78 Curling: 77 Header: 78 Jump: 79 Technique: 80 Aggression: 78 Tenacity: 84 Keeper Skills: 50 Team Work: 82 Injury Tolerance: B Condition/Fitness: 6 Weak Foot Accuracy: 5 Weak Foot frequency: 5 Form: 6 Special Skills: Passing Middle Shooting Penalties Cards: P10- Box to Box P13- Long Ranger S02- Passing S04- PK Taker Info Gerry Daly was a shrewd Tommy Docherty signining in 1973-1974 season for Manchester United. He was a gifted midfielder who posseses fine passing, tireless running and fierce shooting. In 1975-1976 with United chasing for a title, Daly converted 16 out of 17 penalties taking over as regular penalty taker from goalkeeper Alex Stepney! He was one of the best Irish players of the 70's. For two years Daly ran the United midfield, in the promotion season 1974-1975 and in 1975-1976 where United narrowly missed the title and lost the FA Cup. However in 1976-1977 (United's Cup winning season) he was dropped in favour of Sammy McIllroy who moved to midfield to accomodate new arrival Jimmy Greenhoff. By early 1977 Daly clashed with manager Tommy Docherty like Hill, Macari and many others and he left soon after- a real shame as Daly had huge potential at the time, but this was Docherty's way. He moved to Derby only to find the Doc arriving at Derby two years later! He never quite picked up again after Old Trafford going to various clubs but at International level he flourished winning 48 caps and scoring 13 goals over 13 years for the Republic where he played with the likes of David O'Leary, Frank Stapleton and Liam Brady. He played 142 games for united and scored 32 goals. Gerry DALY | 1974-1977 | PES Stats Database (Golden Era Backup)
This blog is dedicated to reviving posts from the "golden era" of PES Stats Database (2008-2010). This was possible thanks to Wayback Machine and my hard work.
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